A golden hearts is very valuable. Many people do not feel that their own heart or the hearts of their fellow human beings are golden. We meet more grubby hearts that have become dull from jealousy, blind from wrath, cold from cruelty, rigid from fear and frustration, soaked and deformed from the tears of sadness and some are even black from hate. In the course of adapting to their environment, many people lose their golden heart as a result of bad experiences. It warms my heart when I see young children; they still have such a golden heart. Adults also find it easier to see the golden hearts of young children, they say: that child has a golden heart. We are born with golden hearts. I like to watch Little Lord Fauntleroy at Christmas, he also has a golden heart and inspires the Lord to be a better human being. When people inspire each other, we say: you made me a better person. I imagine how nice it will be when more and more people inspire each other to be better persons and I am grateful to have witnessed this again and again. It is not just a dream, it is possible. However, I cannot do it on my own. It is only possible when many people join in freeing their hearts from the dirt of old, bad experiences and polish the gold of their hearts, dig out their golden hearts and show others how wonderful those golden human hearts are. I invite you again to write to me, tell me your stories of people who inspired you to be a better person.
With best wishes for the new week
Gertrud Müller
Gertrud Müller