Positive self-talk

Positive self-talk

Do you know that self-talk when something hasn’t worked as well as it could have done and straight away you think ‘how stupid, couldn’t you have paid more attention’. Or when looking in the mirror triggers thoughts like ‘how awful do you look again’. A strange comment from others and straight away you doubt yourself. Sadly, we are often treated without love as children and told that we’re not pretty enough, not good enough and that we make mistakes. These statements have engrained themselves deeply into our psyche and today we think about ourselves without love. There are, of course, also others who constantly need acknowledgement and who boastfully present themselves beautifully and perfectly. No, mistakes cannot happen to me. There are those who keep telling themselves I am the biggest, the prettiest, the best. We can put our minds at rest, we are quite similar in many ways: some things we excel in, others are a little tricky, we can all be charming and sometimes intolerable. If we could admit to ourselves that we are sometimes great, that we sometimes don’t manage so well, then many things would be easier in dealings with others. What’s so bad about admitting this to ourselves? When I succeeded at something, I can tell myself ‘well done’, when something doesn’t work, I can tell myself ‘just like everyone, I also don’t always succeed at everything, but I am still good enough’. With this simple method, life can be much easier and relationships with others are more relaxed. It does, however, require some practice to learn positive self-talk and therefore to become kinder to others.