Taking off

Easter and spring have a strong vigour and vitality. Shoots break forth from their seeds, the flowers and insects dare to come out of hibernation, it is said that Jesus overcame death at Easter, members of the public are a little more courageous again and are starting to speak their mind honestly and constructively. And even the seemingly infallible Mrs Merkel has to admit that an Easter lockdown really wasn’t a good idea. Slowly, not only the buds break open and blossom, more and more people set off, want to flourish and take off. They want to stop being caterpillars, fly like butterflies into a more colourful and beautiful world, a world in which we cooperate instead of bringing each other down. A world in which we humans respect each other and nature, a world in which we no longer exploit but share, in which we no longer know everything better but listen to each other and learn from each other.

Let’s not get caught up in old convictions and ways of thinking, let’s set off and flourish with nature and spring for a diverse, free and friendly world: Happy Easter and enjoy the spring days.

Gertrud Müller

Foto Silvia Tauchmann